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Beulah Mission Center Foundation was founded in 2004 in Nairobi, Kenya, as a response to challenges and crises women were facing. Prior to inception, our founder, Faith Wambugu, was raising her two children in Nairobi in the absence of her husband who was furthering his studies in the United States. One quiet afternoon, Faith received a visit from a few women living in the most vulnerable and poverty-stricken areas near her neighborhood. The women were seeking opportunities to gain skills that would advance their livelihoods by earning an income, becoming self-sustaining, and identifying ways to provide for their children. As the women shared their hardships, Faith’s attention was drawn to the plight of mothers, especially those with children with various disabilities, facing similar situations and challenges and in need of a listening ear. In response, Fatih started teaching women in surrounding communities how to sew. During these sewing classes, women were taught entrepreneurial and business strategies and technical computer skills like typing. These sessions served as the foundation of the Beulah Mission Center Foundation and gave hope for a better tomorrow for women. 


When Faith and her children relocated to the United States to join her husband in 2007, she continued encountering women facing similar difficulties and decided to expand the project in her new home, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Today, BMCF continues to provide avenues of support for women.


At BMCF, we firmly believe that ‘Healed Women, Heal Others,’ and by creating opportunities for women to belong and to embrace their gifts and abilities, we can transform not only the lives of women but everyone in the community. 


To create opportunities for women to belong among other women who model genuine care and support, to help her embrace life while discovering her gifts and talents, and to ultimately transform the lives of others by encouraging her to pass the burton and give back to families and communities. 


To empower women facing difficult circumstances through financial and spiritual support.


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Faith Wambugu


    Engaged for Christ and believer in purpose driven life. Husband, father, mentor and health care practitioner. Mental Health enthusiast with focus on how critical mental wellbeing is tied to physical wellbeing. Advocacy and giving voice to the voiceless, unheard, marginalised and underserved communities is my drive.


    Dennis Koori


      A believer and follower of Jesus Christ, and blessed to be a mum of a wonderful girl. I am passionate about serving women and children who face difficult everyday challenges emanating from special needs. Through BMC my goal is to impact and influence courses of action that will result in alleviating these challenges and ultimately direct them to the knowledge of Christ. I have over 8 years of experience in the banking industry, having worked in various administrative roles. I am also a member of Tulsa International Fellowship, FPC where I serve as a Worship leader.

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      Shiphra Wairire


        Husband and proud father of four kids, member of First Presbyterian church, Tulsa, businessman and true believer in Jesus Christ. I love to serve the community!

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        Peter Kamande


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          A believer and follower of Jesus Christ. Blessed to be a wife and mother of three wonderful children and working as a bookkeeper. I love to serve and help God’s people in need.

          Nelly Ndung'u


            I profess Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. I am a wife and mother of two adult sons. I formerly served as a public school administrator and currently own a marketing and publication business in Tulsa, OK. My heart is to serve God’s people who struggle to connect with his loving community.

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            Tamra Bird


              Paul Mungai


              A believer in Jesus Christ, husband, and a father of two. I have worked in the transportation and logistics industry for 15 years and I’m also the President of K. South Enterprises LLC. I serve as an elder at First Presbyterian Church. Having been raised by a single mother in Nairobi, Kenya and being a dad to a child with special needs, I have always had a passion for advocating for improved conditions for women and mothers in my community and across the world.

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                Lucy Kamande, a mother of 4 children, one of whom is on the Autism Spectrum, speaks of the
                challenges she faced that led her to join Beulah. Lucy states that while resources for helping parents
                who have children on the Autism Spectrum are there, the challenge can be not having people to walk
                you through. She states, “the journey can be lonely.” Reflecting on the times three churches turned her
                and her family away, Lucy channels her personal experiences and coordinating and networking expertise
                to provide resources and build communities that support moms like her through BMCF.

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                Lucy Kamande

                PROJECT CO-ORDINATOR
                LOCAL MISSIONS

                  I am a mother of four, and a grandmother of one, a born again Christian who believes in Jesus as my personal saviour. 
                  I am a health care worker, and serve as Vice President of my Ugandan community, living in Tulsa, OK.

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                  Sarah Ram

                  PROJECT COORDINATOR
                  LOCAL MISSIONS

                    MSC, Global Health Candidate at Duke University

                    As a global Health practitioner, I believe in the power and necessity of Health and social equity and empowerment for all groups, especially the marginalized members in our communities and surrounding circles. BMC provides a space where we empower our friends, families and neighbours who are often pushed aside, neglected or intentionally misheard in our society.

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                    Vivien Wambugu


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                      Spurgeon Wambugu
                      BOARD MEMBER

                        Wife, mum and follower of Jesus Christ. A nurse by profession. I love to serve and my greatest joy is to walk with like-minded people to serve God’s people.


                        Therese Koori

                        BOARD MEMBER

                          OUR ALUMNI

                          LeaAnn Mungai speaks of her daughter, who was born with Gastroparesis, and her journey without
                          resources and sources of support that led her to BMCF. In 2016, LeaAnn and her family moved to Tulsa,
                          found a community, and met BMCF’s founder, Faith Wambugu. Reflecting on her and her daughter’s
                          journey, LeaAnn states that “God placed her in BMCF as an events coordinator to connect parents with
                          the support and resources they need for their children with special needs, the resources she never had.”

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                          Lea Ann Mungai

                          FORMER EVENTS COORDINATOR

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                            Stephen Riungu

                            FORMER BOARD MEMBER

                            Husband and father of three, believer in Jesus Christ and member of First Presbyterian Church, Tulsa. Giving back to the community is my joy and pleasure.

                              James Kairu

                              FORMER BOARD MEMBER

                              Husband and father of three, believer in Jesus Christ and member of First Presbyterian Church, Tulsa. Giving back to the community is my joy and pleasure.

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                                Teresa Mungai

                                FORMER BOARD MEMBER

                                Husband and father of three, believer in Jesus Christ and member of First Presbyterian Church, Tulsa. Giving back to the community is my joy and pleasure.

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